User Files from keylie

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#18737226679264221 - Ikaruga 2p hard, stage 1 halfway

In 01:35.02 (11402 frames), 2634 rerecords
Game: Ikaruga ( GC, see all files )
Uploaded 11/13/2014 7:38 PM by keylie (see all 119)
Gamecube USA version. Two more chains during 1-3 bonus enemies than known! \o/

#18484576099645314 - ff6 TAS by Catastrophe

In 4:16:09.60 (923695 frames), 24745 rerecords
Uploaded 11/2/2014 10:33 AM by keylie (see all 119)
This is an old TAS in 923693 frames by Catastrophe from 2006, never submitted to TASVideos. This run uses the sketch glitch as opposed to the currently published run

#18484027340882326 - ff6 lua script

Uploaded 11/2/2014 9:58 AM by keylie (see all 119)
Lua script for ff6 displaying various information in and out of battle, for Bizhawk. Needs the helper lua script

#18483992833778629 - ff6 lua script - helper functions

Uploaded 11/2/2014 9:55 AM by keylie (see all 119)
Helper functions for the ff6_bizhawk lua script

#18358557059086853 - FF6 sketch glitch outcome generator

Uploaded 10/27/2014 6:21 PM by keylie (see all 119)
For a certain formation mold, this script generates and interprets the rewriting caused by the sketch glitch. The output of the script is a csv file. Here is the description of the content of the spreadsheet. When a cell contains multiple elements separated by a dash, then the sketch glitch cause this element to be overwritten multiple times.

Spell setup = XXYY

  • XX: Aiming byte of 28th spell
 01 (Allies or enemies, single): Safe, Haste, Bserk, Rflect, Shell, Vanish, Life, Life 2
 03 (Allies, single target): Antdot, Remedy, Regen, Life 3
 04 (Allies and enemies, multi target): Quake, W Wind, Merton
 21 (Allies or enemies, single or multi target): Float, Cure, Cure 2, Cure 3
 29 (Allies or enemies, multi or single target): Haste 2
 41 (Enemies or allies, single target): Poison, Drain, Break, Doom, Pearl, Flare, Scan, Slow, Rasp, Mute, Sleep, Muddle, Stop, Imp, Osmose, Dispel
 61 (Enemies or allies, single or multi target): Fire, Ice, Bolt, Fire 2, Ice 2, Bolt 2, Bio, Fire 3, Ice 3, Bolt 3
 6A (Enemies, multi target): X-Zone
  • YY: Queue of 28th spell availability Bit 7: Is the spell currently castable?
 Bit 0-6: Past values.
 Every time the character is casting a spell, or get Imped/Deimped,
 the game checks if the spell is castable, and push bit 0 to the queue if castable, 1 if not. Inited as FF

Command slot = Name (XX/YY/ZZ)

  • XX: Command id
  • YY: Command availability -> Bit 7: Is the command useable?
  • ZZ: Command aiming -> See under

Item slot = Name * Quantity (XX/YY/ZZ)

  • XX: Item flags
 08: Is a shield
 10: Is a weapon
 20: Can be thrown
 40: Is a tool
 80: Not usable as an item in battle
  • YY: Item targeting
 01: Affects single ally or enemy
 02: Affects enemies or allies only
 04: Affects all allies and enemies
 08: Affects all allies or all enemies
 10: Auto-accept default selection
 20: Multiple selection possible
 40: Enemy selected by default
 80: Random selection among all enemies and allies
  • ZZ: Item equipability
 01: Onscreen character 0 can't equip item
 02: Onscreen character 1 can't equip item
 04: Onscreen character 2 can't equip item
 08: Onscreen character 3 can't equip item

Magic slot = Name (XX/YY/ZZ)

  • XX: Spell availability -> See above
  • YY: Spell aiming -> See above
  • ZZ: Spell cost

Engulf variables

  • $3A8A -> Characters that have been engulfed
  • $3A8D -> Active characters at the beginning of the fight
  • $3EBC -> Bit 7 is set if engulf conditions are met:
  1. At least one character engulfed ($3A8A != 0)
  2. All characters at the beginning of the battle have been engulfed ($3A8A == $3A8D)

#14091811520508617 - Chrono Trigger overlay

Uploaded 4/18/2014 2:39 PM by keylie (see all 119)

#13715735465747366 - Chrono Trigger elixir glitch (savestate with gameover)

In 02:20.66 (8454 frames), 16 rerecords
Game: Chrono Trigger ( SNES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/1/2014 4:10 PM by keylie (see all 119)

#13715712519445572 - Chrono Trigger elixir glitch (savestate without glitch 2)

In 02:46.98 (10035 frames), 21 rerecords
Game: Chrono Trigger ( SNES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/1/2014 4:08 PM by keylie (see all 119)

#13715684510794266 - Chrono Trigger elixir glitch (savestate without glitch 1)

In 00:36.32 (2183 frames), 0 rerecords
Game: Chrono Trigger ( SNES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/1/2014 4:07 PM by keylie (see all 119)

#13715645762272053 - Chrono Trigger elixir glitch (savestate with glitch)

In 01:38.50 (5920 frames), 1 rerecords
Game: Chrono Trigger ( SNES, see all files )
Uploaded 4/1/2014 4:04 PM by keylie (see all 119)
Generated by lsnes-rr2-beta18
Savestate to try to analyse/disassemble the behaviour of the elixir glitch. This glitch consists on equiping the GreenDream (auto-revive) on one character and have the entire party wiped out. Occasionally, when the character with the GreenDream is revived, the menu will be messed up and you can launch items on enemies. Launching an elixir on Lavos is an insta-kill (HP overflow probably). The problem is to make the glitch happen. It is very rare and sensible to a lot of factors: battle start RNG (for enemy attacks, ATB start, criticals, etc.), equipments, timing of commands... :(
This savestate is just before the Inner Lavos fight, and the glitch will happen. You can see it working if Crono lies down for a few frames after being revived. I also provide some savestates where the glitch does not happen by changing something.
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